Monday, October 28, 2013


哈囉大家! 久等了新的網誌 :) 

這個禮拜天氣有明顯降低! 甚至到了零下五度! 有一天早上我們走到車子時,我在窗戶上看到這些冰霜。
每次說話的時候,吐氣在冷空氣裡都能看見。捷旻和我說一個很好笑的故事,有一次有一個男子和他說那非常不禮貌在那個場合抽菸,可是捷旻根本不抽菸.. 那是那些說話時冷暖空氣結成的水氣! 哈哈

好幾次我為我們做晚餐以後,捷旻決定他一定要為我下廚,我們禮拜三一起去採買食材,也遇到很多他的同事。其中是我們之前見過面的拉丁女孩Gio,她好興奮,不停說我們兩個有多可愛! 她問我會不會做壽司,我說我會 然後和她說壽司其實是日本人吃的。 哈哈 另一個女生克萊兒給Gio白眼後,厲害的開始和我和捷旻討論中國和台灣之間的關係。 


捷旻做的晚餐是奶油起司薯球! 主要是薯球和蘑菇奶油,加上洋蔥和起司攪和,然後再到烤箱裡烘焙。 捷旻寶貝切洋蔥時眼睛滿是眼淚.... 第一口吃下去他的愛心晚餐後馬上就愛上了! 我添了好多好多到我的碗裡頭! 可是過了不久我就感到滿嘴的奶油太膩了! 哈哈 美國人真是吃太多奶製品了.. 每次點餐都有五到六種起司選,各式奶油和美乃滋,超商買的牛奶比台灣的甜上好多倍... > <"

膩歸膩,其實我很快就又想要再吃! 隔天的晚餐我又拿出來吃! 哈哈 現在寫網誌想起來又想吃了!! ><"

禮拜四晚上我和捷旻到學校餐廳去時,大家正在慶祝萬聖節,有很多人都裝扮起來! 還有幾個女孩子在大廳擺上桌子 邀請大家一起拿小南瓜在上面彩繪和貼上裝飾。 我和捷旻吃完晚餐後上前裝了一杯暖呼呼的蘋果汁。 天氣真的太冷了,我邊走都邊發抖... 拿在手上的果汁更是好幾度要被打翻了。 捷旻接手果汁,神奇的水面好像就靜止了!!! 我問他為什麼都不會晃,他說因為他高中大學在儀隊裡有很多和平衡有關的訓練。 聽到那個不知道為什麼就大笑個不停.. 他冷不防地這麼說:「After all those years training in the marching band」

禮拜五午餐我們選擇吃一個像是Subway的潛艇堡三明治。我每次到點餐的時候都會很緊張,因為餐廳裡總是很多人,大家都一個接一個好快的來來去去.. 我不只讀菜單很慢,對他們點餐時都很擔心自己說的不清楚.. 我老是在腦海裡自己讀的對白等等要怎麼點餐.. :P 這次選菜我直接就對他們說我要全部和捷旻一樣的! 哈哈..


晚上我們一起到媽媽家去,捷旻妹妹迫不及待要看到我了!  媽媽住在一個美式傳統的小木屋裡,好可愛!

捷旻說他真的很喜歡上次我做的蛋餅,這次我做給每個人吃! :D 捷旻還另外準備了一個神奇罐頭!! 是昭瑩姐姐最喜歡的比斯吉!! 超酷的!! 一個小罐頭裡藏著六個左右的比斯吉,放進烤箱後就變地香噴噴的! 我超希望我可以買好幾個然後寄回家給你們看!!

晚餐過後我們一起玩海綿寶寶版本的UNO牌! 媽媽居然贏了! 哈哈

我們本來還想要來做手工餅乾,可是發現蛋都被用完了! 然後我和妹妹喬絲琳跑到院子裡雞舍去想偷母雞的蛋! 哈哈.. 那真的很好笑 :P 可是我們找不到任何蛋..

我們回到屋子以後,眾所期待的捷旻終於拿出他的year books! (那有點像是我們的畢業紀念冊,可是在美國 中學每年都會做一本,不是像我們三年一次在畢業時才做) 媽媽也拿了很多捷旻小時候的照片。 :) 我們就坐在客廳圍著火爐看那些照片!

在我心中,他好像還是那個小男孩,事實上他真的是,同樣的眼神和甜甜的臉蛋,我總覺得好想好好照顧他和疼他! >\\\\\\<


我和網誌裡提到好多次這裡的風景了,可是常常我們都是在車子裡或是在公車上,不能真的停下來拍照給你們看.. > < 這禮拜我們終於有機會去走走然後拍些照片! :D 



禮拜六我們起了個大早並在七點半以前就抵達媽媽家出發去遊樂園!! 兩個小時的車程我們在車上一直唱歌,喬絲琳和捷旻和我都各自從自己的手機和iPod放音樂! :) 我們中間有停下來加油和去漢堡王買早餐,我和捷旻說我不打算買東西吃.. 我怕我會暈車 > <" 可是捷旻還是偷偷地買了麥片和牛奶還有薯餅給我吃..  ←小甜心再度出現! 他說他知道我有吃早餐的習慣,所以不可以漏掉!

我們到了遊樂園後和捷旻的另一個妹妹 潔芮 和妹妹的男朋友 安德魯 會合!  媽媽也很貼心的在一下車就問我會不會因為在車子裡太久感到不舒服。

喬絲琳借我戴她的海綿寶寶毛呢帽! 超可愛的! 哈哈 捷旻愛漂亮不怕流鼻水,都不把外套穿上,最後還是被我說服了 ;) 常常覺得和他一起生活像在馴夫.. 噗噗 可是他被我說服不情願的樣子超可愛!

整個遊樂園非常大! 裡面有好多座雲霄飛車!! 我最開心的是這裡沒有像台灣遊樂園那種會一直旋轉和拋轉人的遊樂器,大部分都是雲霄飛車。 我一點都不怕,捷旻則是老是把眼睛緊閉! 我偷看他就會一直大笑! 懸空在雲霄飛車上,我一直甩我的雙腿!
在排隊時 (捷旻 潔芮 媽媽 和我)
大概每次都要排隊一個小時左右,我和捷旻馬上就肚子餓了! 我們兩個自己跑回車上去找我們的食物 :P 媽媽和喬絲琳事先為我們準備了可頌麵包和雞肉沙拉! 敲好吃!!
我不知道哪裡來的想法把Oreo餅乾夾在吐司中間吃,捷旻覺得很好笑和很奇怪,可是被我逼著吃以後他就愛上了!! 他還用手機拍了照片!! >W< 大家應該也都要試試看! 做Oreo夾心吐司來吃! :P


其中一個很酷的食物是焦糖蘋果! 把媽媽和我事先切好的蘋果片沾上焦糖! 真的好吃! :D


我真的老是被這些美國人慶祝節日的精神給振服! 每次在路上我都會看到家家戶戶把自己家裡裝上萬聖節的擺飾,有些人甚至有那種巨大的南瓜氣球和白袍鬼! 有一戶人家還有和房子一樣高的暗黑騎士和馬! 大家也都擺上大大小小的稻草人怪物和南瓜怪物! :P 我真的希望捷旻可以停下車來好讓我拍照片! 哈哈

整個遊樂園就更誇張了!!!! 來這裡玩的人也都裝扮起來!! 我有看到鬼爵和邪惡女僕,還有人裝成美國隊長(一個金髮帥哥) 甚至他們開來的車都貼上貼紙了 :P

不知不覺中整個遊樂園好像完全不一樣的世界,變成妖怪的世界了!! 乾冰瀰漫著整座遊樂園,樹和樹和建築間都被紫色和藍色的燈纏繞著,背景播放著緊迫的心跳聲音樂...
很多小孩子們臉上還有畫上瘡疤和血跡,或插上小刀和箭。 所有我們白天玩的雲霄飛車都被轉化成鬼轎車或送死車! 四處都是妖魔鬼怪在嚇人,此起彼落的都是遊客的尖叫聲! 哈哈

我真的很訝異他們這樣轉化整個場景!! 全部都變成鬼屋探險了!!

捷旻整個晚上都緊緊抓著我的手,要我別害怕,他也把我藏在他身後不要讓妖怪嚇我.. :') 超級英雄!!

我們要回家前,媽媽需要去買杯咖啡,不然又是兩個小時的路程回家會累壞的。 我們到園區裡的星巴克裡,裏頭人擠人的! 我們在等的時候,我一直和捷旻說我只想需要水,一個半小時後輪到我們點餐,捷旻不假思索的就點了熱可可,他回頭看我超得意的.. 他知道我不喝咖啡,然後一定要我和他分享,就點了熱可可... 星巴克裡都會問飲料的屬名,捷旻大聲的和點餐的小姐說:「請給Teddy!」

當我們的餐點準備好時,另一個小姐在等餐處大喊:「Teddy的熱可可!!」 捷旻那時候看起來好像天底下最幸福的人了...



星期天下午的天氣真是太好了! 我和捷旻買了南瓜到媽媽家去,喬絲琳在等著一起做南瓜燈籠。 我們到小木屋外頭的庭院裡開始雕刻我們的南瓜。 捷旻說了好多次我做的超棒,他甚至開玩笑說我比他和喬絲琳都像美國人,因為我會刻南瓜... 噗噗 我心裡想 這其實只是剛好是我拿手的罷了.. 大學的時候做了很多木工和塑膠模型,如果這是藝術以外的事情我根本就一竅不通。

捷旻和喬絲琳都做了南瓜妖怪臉,我則刻了小美人魚艾莉兒 :')


有天晚上我們開車回家的時候,捷旻突然看著我,然後他說:「你真的無法想像這對我來說是什麼意義有你和我在一起在美國.. 你真的不知道我有多高興和幸福...」



我也很想冠至還有我在台灣的朋友們.. 我常夢到你們。

嗯! 我想這是這篇網誌的結尾了 :) 希望你們都喜歡 ^^ 我一寫完英文的以後就開始寫中文的,請原諒我有些文句上的不通順,我轉換的有點不過來.. > <"
還有令人害羞的照片 嘻嘻 大概讓你們臉紅了吧 :P




Katharine McPhee - Terrified ft. Zachary Levi


Hey guys, it's been another week, who's waiting for a new blog? Here you go :)

You can really feel the temperature is cooling down. The other day when we walked to the car in the morning, we saw this ice on the car's windows. There's smoke in the air when we talk and breathe. Ming told me a story that one time a guy came and told him, "Hey dude, you shouldn't smoke here! It's rude!" That was silly :P It's just the water vapor.

After a few times I made food for Ming, he was eager to have me try something too! Wednesday night Jamie took an evening-off after school and we went to the grocery store to get some ingredients for him to make dinner. We met many of his colleagues who were super nice to me. Gio, the girl we had met before, told me she thought Jamie and I were super adorable. She asked me if I knew how to make sushi.. I told her I knew though it's actually from Japan and I was from Taiwan. The other girl Claire laughed at her, kind of. lol Claire surprisingly pointed out the problem Taiwan and China had to Jamie! She also told Jamie she had never seen him being this happy! Ming was very proud about it and has been telling me how happy he is with me... :') He sometime tells me that when we are in bed at night. teehee!

Oh right! Being in his arms was too comfortable that I forgot our different time to Taiwan, and I missed out an online test I signed up to do!!!! That was awful but very funny. :P

Back to Jamie's love love dinner plan. :) 
He told me it's called 'Tater Tot Casserole!' I guess my American friends who are reading it must know what it is, so I will spare the details and descriptions to the food here. :P (Of course in Chinese version that my Taiwanese friends will read I will write more about the food!) It was very nice the first time I tasted it, and I just wanted more! However, I soon found it's too 'milky' to me! The first time I ever had so many dairy foods was after I came to America. lol You guys have too many cheese, butter, salad sauce, and too much sugar in milk! haha Nevertheless, I wanted to eat those taters again the next day!! And honey was just too cute when he was cooking!!

Thursday school was having some Halloween activity, there were people dressing up which was cool. Some girls put tables in the dinning hall lobby, providing free pumpkins for people to make drawing and other decorations. Ming and I got a cup of hot apple cider after dinner. Walking back to the library was freezing to death, my body was shaking and couldn't hold the cup because it kept spilling out. Jamie took over the cup and amazingly the water just stopped shaking!! I asked him how did he do it, he said, "With years of training being in a marching band!" And for some reason I just laughed so loud when he said that! lol

Friday our lunch was some kind of subway sandwiches that you got to choose what you wanna put in your sandwich. Since I couldn't tell the register what I wanted, I just told her I wanted all the same as Ming's. (I always get very nervous ordering food in the school dinning hall.. because they are so many people, and they are always like rushing and rushing like a stream of fish... I just don't want to slow any one.. ><" ) But Jamie had too little thing in his sandwich!! I wouldn't let that happen and waste that almost $8, so I told the lady I wanted 'everything'!!!! That made my sandwich to be like this.

And Honey was just too cute eating his sandwich.. :P

We visited mom that night, and I planned to make Taiwanese style dinner for mom and Ming's sister Jocelyn! It's also the first time I met Jocelyn in person. :)

Mom's was a traditional American cabin that had a stove in the center of the wooden house that kept everyone warm. They had a farm and a kitchen house! Mom shared her home-made berry jam with us which I liked very very much! Ming prepared a super cool food for us, which was biscuits in a can!!!!! That's so cool and I really wished I could buy some and mail to Chelsea, she liked biscuits! 


Thankfully mom and Jocelyn all liked the food I made. Ming was proud! ^^ After dinner we played Sponge-bob version UNO. Mom won the game! lol

And as everyone requested, Jamie had to show me his year books. Additionally, Jocelyn and mom found more baby pictures of Ming!!!!

I found myself falling in love with him even more after looking how he grew up and meeting his family.

I feel the man in my arms is still the little boy I saw from the pictures. And I just want to take care of his life!

Beautiful Campus

This week I finally got to walk around the campus and took some pictures for you all. I always write in my blog how beautiful it is. Here I want to show some pictures. :)

King's Domionion!

Saturday as we planned, we woke up super early and went to mom's to meet the other people by 7:30 and went on our trip to amusement park, King's Domionion! It was a two-hour drive. We stopped by a Burger King and fixed breakfast. I decided not to order any food because it was easy for me to get car sick. However, dearly honey secretly bought some healthy oatmeal and yummy hash brown for me. He said he knew I loved breakfast.

In the car Jocelyn and Ming and I all played the music from our mobiles and iPod. We had been singing. lol

Mom was so sweet, when we arrived at the park, she came and asked me if I felt sick being in the car for too long. Jocelyn showed me her Sponge-bob hat which was cute. And Ming didn't want to put on his jacket because that one was the least he liked even though it's freezing cold! I convinced him to wear it after all. ;)

We met our companions, one of Jamie's sisters, Jeanette, and her boyfriend, Andrew.

The amusement park had more roller-coasters than the ones I'd been to in Taiwan. That was good for me because I was not afraid of roller-coasters. The only thing I never ride is those spinning machines that you go on and will cause you to throw up. Jamie on the other hand closed his eyes the whole way on the roller-coasters! lol I kept laughing and kicking my legs.
Ming and Jeanette and Mom and Me in the line

We spent an hour waiting in line on every ride approximately. lol Ming and I felt super hungry after the first thing we rode. hahaha So we went back to the car and ate our lunch. Mom and Jocelyn prepared some yum yum croissants and chicken salad. But we found something even better, they bought a box of Oreo! Double stuffed!!! I put them in sandwich bread and told Jamie it's Oreo sandwich. He found that super funny but loved it! He took picture of our Oreo sandwich. haha I really recommend everyone go try it. ;) It's good, promise.

And the team was united again! Everyone ate lunch! :)


Halloween Spirit

I was so impressed how Americans celebrated a holiday like Halloween! I always wanted to take pictures of those houses we passed by on the streets, they are just so amazingly adorable!! I've seen a pumpkin ghost balloon and a dark knight on a horse and many many other scarecrows!! I always want to ask Ming to stop by the street so I can take pictures.. :P

And the amusement park was just a blast!!!! Even the people who came here!!! Here's a picture when I saw somebody has this on the car.

After some more roller-coasters, the day was almost to the end and the night came up instead. Some demons crept out the darkness, the whole amusement was being impatient.. Children had wound make-up on their faces, people were all dressing up. We saw monsters, cat-women, as well as Captain America.

The amusement park was transformed into a monster world! The rides were changed to haunted houses with new decorations. Even more people, or monsters, than day time! Someone hung purple and blue lights throughout the park and played the heart-beat background music. You could hear people scream from many corners.

My boyfriend was super brave, and held my hand tightly the entire time or hid me behind him. 
It had so much fun! I enjoyed my first Halloween very very much! :')

Before we went on the road and had another two-hour drive home, mom needed to buy coffee to keep her sober. We headed to Starbucks in the park. It was very crowded. In line, we waited one and half hours. And by the time we were able to order our drink, Jamie told the lady he wanted Hot Chocolate, he looked at me with pride, he knew I didn't drink coffee. And although I told him I could just have water, he insisted to get something to share with me... The lady asked him who the drink was for, and would write down name on the cup, he said, "Teddy".

He was the happiest man in the world when our drink was ready and someone yelled, "Hot Chocolate for Teddy!"

Carving Pumpkins! 

Yesterday afternoon, Jamie and I bought some pumpkins and invited Jocelyn to carve them together at mom's. The weather was so beautiful and we sat outside the cabin in the shadow of the trees.

Jamie had been over exaggerated, and told me how great I was. "You are good at everything", he said. I wasn't sure if he was right. But I did study Art and Design in college and we often made products from different materials. Carving pumpkin was like I was doing those art projects. Surely I wouldn't do good if it's something else than arts. But thanks to Ming's support. ^^ It made me feel good.

Jocelyn and Jamie both made pumpkin monsters, and I made Ariel from A Little Mermaid. 

You have no idea what it means to me

The night when we were in the car to home, Jamie looked at me and I met those striking hazel eyes. He told me I had no idea how much it meant to him that I was here in America with him..

I told myself, let's find out by spending the rest of lives together. How much this love means to both of us. :)

Thankfully I want to express my gratitude to Jamie's family and friends to regard me as family.
And I really miss Dennis and my friends in Taiwan.. I often dream about them.

Okay, I guess this is the end for the blog of this week. I hope you enjoy reading it and like our adventure. ^^ Thank you for keeping up with us. And sorry for that kissing picture... hope it didn't boil too much blood to your cheeks. :P

Until next week.

Love, Teddy